Fulfill your Court Order Today!
Co-Parenting Essentials... Online Co-Parenting Classes with your Certificate Included!
...Because This Really Matters

Court Accepted Coparenting Programs!
Co-Parenting Essentials... Online Co-Parenting Classes with your Certificate Included!
...Because This Really Matters

Court Approved Co-Parenting Programs
Co-Parenting Essentials... Online Co-Parenting Classes with your Certificate Included!
...Because This Really Matters
The STOP Program
4 hr Strategies That Offer Peace Program
Understand what Children Need...
Manage Conflict Peacefully.
The CARES Program
4 to 16 hr programs customizable to your court order and specific case needs. Inclusion in Online Groups - Information Most Relevant to Your Case
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The COPE Program
16 hr Coparenting Education for High Conflict Cases. Inclusion in 4 online groups - 6 hrs of Face to Face Support on Your Case
Si Habla Español
COPE was a game changer for me. I have learned a lot and things are shifting with the other parent!
I wish COPE had been longer. I loved the zoom classes and it was a relief to know I am not alone.
It was not a canned program. Very real and packed with great information. Would recommend it to other parents struggling!
The instructor was very knowledgeable and supportive. I appreciated the fact that she had also been a co-parent and that she shared her experience with us. Was very helpful and gave me honest feedback in helpful manner.
I didn't think I needed this class, but I learned so much. I see things differently now and I am really glad I did this. Thanks!